Procedure for Sale of Current Year
Delinquent Taxes SFTP instructions
Please type the following SFTP site into the server input field of your SFTP client (refer to next paragraph).
SFTP site address: sftp://
The user identification is: jcco
The password is: J6UueqeaYhN2
NOTICE: We do not support any browser or SFTP client, but do recommend you use Chrome to minimize any connectivity issues. Additionally, you may use an FTP client like FileZilla version, or WSFTP Pro, with the same address & credentials listed above .
Select the particular folder of information containing the delinquent tax bills you are interested in purchasing. For example, if you want the latest Delinquent Tax database, double click the Delinquent Tax folder. Then, double click the file(s) you want and click save. You can also double-click a particular file to download it to your computer.
After downloading the file(s) containing the specific delinquent tax bills you are interested in purchasing, simply close out your browser. You may need to download decompression utility software like PKWare or WinZip. The Web site for PKWare is and for WinZip it is XP has compression functionality built in already. If you have any questions related to these procedures, please contact the manager of the Delinquent Tax Department at 502-574-5061.